19 thoughts on “Seeing Orange

  1. I had no idea there were so many shades of orange and you have captured each one brilliantly Rebecca. That sunset is stunning and is that the sun with the dark patch in front? The little hummer is so sweet with its whirring wings and bright-colored flower. Is that your kitty?

    • Thanks, Linda. The one with the cloud in front is the May full moon. I believe the smoke from the Canadian fires added to the color. It’s my neighbors cat, but often visits my yard.

      • Okay – those big moons sure fill up the sky and look almost surreal. The Canadian wildfires are really creating some vivid moon shots. We may have a chance at seeing the Northern Lights here in SE Michigan on Thursday night (if the rain and clouds stay away).

      • My fingers are crossed Rebecca – our weather forecasters are predicting rain for tomorrow, but hopefully it changes. I would love to see them! I just looked and these are the 17 states that could see them, unfortunately Tennessee is not in the group: The Northern Lights are expected to be seen from Alaska, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Indiana, Maine and Maryland, according to the University of Alaska at Fairbanks’ Geophysical Institute.

      • This is a wonderful opportunity for those who are able to see it. I’ve seen them once while on a trip. Would love to see them again sometime.

      • Today the weatherman said the conditions aren’t right for the Northern Lights but we will have other chances soon, however, the space station will be going overhead tonight and we should be able to get a good view of that (I’d rather see the Northern Lights). Fingers crossed for later in the Summer.

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