American robins

A small flock of robins showed up last week to harvest the berries from the holly bushes in my yard.  As the sun began to set, they gathered on the high branches of a nearby tree to soak in the last rays of the day.

“When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.”  ~Tecumseh

8 thoughts on “American robins

  1. Oh Rebecca, I had to check again which state you live in. What a beautiful sight that must be! I look forward to when they travel this way. 🙂 We always get so excited when we see our first robin in the spring. Thank you for this refreshing sight! Love and blessings to you!

  2. What a welcome sight to see robins Rebecca – ours must have all gone South remembering last year’s non-stop snow and cold. That was a great quote as well, especially for those who enjoy and embrace nature.

    • Thanks, Linda! It seems like they’ve showed up a little earlier than usual, but we have had a pretty mild winter so far. This past weekend was in the 60’s and I sat outside for a while. Believe it or not, the mosquitoes were already out. They’re going to be awful this summer if we don’t get a good, hard freeze.

      • The robins figure it is safe to come back now given the nice temperatures. That’s amazing that you already are dealing with mosquitoes. My friend lives in Richmond, Virginia and she told me they hit 70 degrees yesterday – that was a surprise for them.

      • We’re having thunderstorms tonight and we’re back down to freezing temperatures tomorrow night. You just never know what you’re going to get around here. 🙂

    • It was good to see the robins. Sometimes they show up in combination with cedar waxwings, but I haven’t seen those yet, Maybe later this month. Then my holly bushes will be bear.

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